Reduce your non-conformities thanks to MES
Non-conformity, defect, rejection, anomaly… whatever the name, it’s always a production nightmare.
Whether it is critical, major or minor, non-conformity must be dealt with before it impacts the production. And the M.E.S. is a formidable tool for this.
No, anomalies, YOU WILL NOT!!!!
Qualaxy software suite: the saviour of ano(malies).
Or how to control your industrial processes.
Do you recognise yourself in this heroic posture, calliper in one hand, waste bin in the other, fighting relentlessly to avoid delivering non-compliant products?
If so, it means that you are part of the anomaly community.
Let’s speak frankly. Don’t you think your time would be better spent if you could concentrate on the essentials? If so, you might be interested in discovering 5 benefits of our Qual@xy Suite, Infodream’s MES for Industry 4.0:
Control your batches with statistics
You are guided in the control of the batches received from your suppliers. The software helps you to decide whether it is in your statistical interest to accept or reject them. But you also have the possibility of automatically increasing or decreasing the level of control per characteristic as the controls are carried out. In accordance with official and/or in-house standards…
Digitise your work instructions
Your work instructions are digitised. No more paper sheets stored in a binder at the foot of the machine, never consulted or updated. The software shows your operators, guided step by step, the work instructions. They are illustrated by a clear and precise medium (text, image, video or pdf). This way, your operators are not likely to miss any steps or interpret the procedure to be carried out. This guarantees a constant level of quality in the workshop. And you can be sure that your process, always up-to-date, is understood and respected.
Follow the capability of your machines
You monitor the capability of your machines through a module for acquiring manually or automatically controlled measurements. You can thus anticipate the progressive drifts of your process and make the necessary adjustments before producing non-conformities.
Set up alarms for corrective actions
If a non-conforming value is entered or statistical deviation is detected, the software generates an alarm and notifies a group of users. Causes and corrective actions can be assigned to these alarms. In this way, you can carry out a detailed analysis and implement good practices as part of a continuous improvement process within the workshop. In addition, the handling of non-conformities can be organised through a simple and efficient decision-making workflow*: acceptance as is, quarantine, retouching… These are examples of decisions, traced out, which you can take according to the rights specific to your profile.
Display your key performance indicators
To efficiently manage your workshop, the software displays your workshop’s performance indicators in a dashboard. It is a clear and customisable « quality weather ». All the statistical indicators necessary to monitor your process in the medium / long term are provided: Cp/Cpk, Pp/Ppk, TNC, GCP, Normality, % HT, stability…
In short, the Qualaxy Suite is a ready-to-use software package that ensures that your industrial process is carried out correctly. But also to anticipate and treat the causes of non-conformities before impacting your production. Finally, you can share all this reliable information in real time with the users concerned.
Do not hesitate to contact our teams if you would like to see a video demonstration.
CT Infodream