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MES (Manufacturing Execution System) software is a production control software for Industry 4.0

MES (Manufacturing Execution System) software is a production control software for Industry 4.0

Definition of the MES Software

What is MES software?

The MES (Manufacturing Execution System) software is a production control software. It is a system for executing, managing and monitoring the production in progress in the workshop.
Its role is to supervise machines and operators by providing complete traceability of manufacturing information.

The MES software follows the « Know, Analyse and Improve » scheme, common to all continuous improvement initiatives.

The term MES was created by the M.E.S.A and formalised in the ISA95 standard, through 11 key functions that a solution must address.


The MES software, the missing link in the digital factory

In the 2000s, the massive deployment of ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) in industry made it possible to plan and optimise the supply chain.

Today, a complementary need is emerging: that of ensuring continuity between ERP data and workshop operations.
Indeed, in order not to lose any information, there must be continuity in the digital chain from the creation of the Work Order (WO) to the final product.

The MES software creates the missing digital link between the ERP and the workshop.
It is at the heart of the Industry 4.0 revolution.

The CIM pyramid represents the MES link between the ERP and the workshop.

The orchestra conductor of your workshop

Interfaced with all connected production means, the MES guides the workshop activities and reacts instantly. It is the central point for all execution data.

It is responsible for transmitting the right information at the right time, both to men (work instructions, requested traceability, progress of OFs, etc.) and to machines (start/stop, machining parameters, part status, etc.)..

Also, by capitalising all production data in real time, the MES gives a view of the OFs’ outstanding amounts and yields. With a granularity of around one minute, the MES software is the perfect complement to the ERP.

As you will have understood, the MES is a powerful tool for piloting, managing and analysing production. It immediately provides each of the players in the process with the information they are waiting for.

Discover the benefits of the MES for your profession

MES and Industry 4.0

At the heart of Industry 4.0, MES offers multi-source and multi-media interconnectivity, a necessary basis for the digitalisation of manufacturing processes.

Through this fourth industrial revolution, IoT (Internet of Things), 3D printers and augmented reality glasses are becoming new industrial equipment rather than simple research projects.

In conclusion, the MES contributes to the digital transformation of factories by providing them with greater agility in their production. Hence the term Smart Manufacturing: the intelligent, connected production plant where data circulates without limits.

Learn more about MES Software :

The 11 functions of an MES
The MES for whom?

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