Forum Excellence & Performance. 2 november 2023.
FOREP: The unique platform for contacts in French-speaking Switzerland
The Forum offers an opportunity to share experiences and best practices on quality and performance.
This event is a privileged moment of networking between all professionals in the field of Quality, whatever their sector of activity.
CT Infodream exhibits at FOREP every year, and this year we are proud to be partners of the event.
Theme 2023: Putting people at the heart of the transformation.
To meet today’s challenges, companies need to put people first and reinvent themselves. They can do this by transforming their businesses, giving them meaning, rethinking leadership and organisational methods, and attracting and retaining talent, particularly the new generations. As a result, the traditional business model needs to adapt to a changing world and offer a socially responsible company centred on people. How can we do this?
Topics covered:
- Transforming organisations
- Motivating and empowering organisations
- Giving meaning
- Change management
- The evolution of corporate culture
- Encouraging creativity and innovation
- Human development, the key to transformation
Programme of the day, list of speakers, fees and access.
Visit us at the CT Infodream stand…
… and discover the Qualaxy MES, the quick win solution for a sustainable progress in performance.
How can a « quick win » software solution help to rethink processes and workflows in order to increase the overall performance of a workshop?
A good software tool is first and foremost a support for reflection and creativity to discover optimised configurations and efficient working methods.
By asking the right questions, you can easily eliminate non-value added tasks, wasted time and energy, and scrap, to the great satisfaction of the operators who are the first actors of progress.
The software leads to thought, and then the thought returns to the software to perpetuate what has been created.