MES and SPC: a valuable cooperation
By definition, the MES (Manufacturing Execution System) must fulfil 11 functions, including Quality Management, which can take many forms, from the most basic to the most complete.
The input data for this function will be the entries made by the operators through the MES interface, which fulfil 2 main functions:
• Ensure a level of product compliance (by capturing measurements)
• Ensure full traceability of processes (who, when, how)
These two types of data entry are specific: they only concern the production order and/or the part being manufactured. Whatever the type, they have a cost, whether material (acquisition of measuring equipment, metrological checks, etc.) or human (data entry time, metrological training, etc.).
In the absence of SPC (Statistical Process Control), the data is only used at the time it is recorded in order to confirm that the dimension is maintained. As well as the traceability in the database, which is only done in the event of an audit. You are therefore depriving yourself of a second analysis after the fact, which allows a global analysis of the process.

Once the measurement has been capitalised, a second exploitation is possible.
What better way than with an SPC system to turn a one-off view of a part into a global view of the process?

From one measure, you can generate different levels of analysis, for different people or departments, at different times and for decisions that will have a different impact.
Conformity of the OF and/or part: guarantee that the part meets the customer’s specifications
• Decrease in scrap costs and customer returns
SPC alarms : process drift before Production produces non-conforming parts
• Reduction in the cost of creating out-of-tolerance parts
Process capability (Cp Cpk) : probability of making good parts
• Reduction of costly control operations
Evolution of capabilities over time, comparison between means of production, correlation
• Optimisation of production resources to focus corrective actions and investments on the key points of the factory
It would be a shame to miss out on an efficient SPC system that will have a real and immediate impact on the ROI of an MES deployment.