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Digitization in manufacturing | Manufacturing Execution System | SPC | Batch control

CT INFODREAM is member of the following organisations

Club du MES

Le Club du MES is French association that brings together MES software suppliers. This association aims to promote and develop applications and actions related to MES. Le Club du MES is a patner to MESA International in the United States.

CT INFODREAM, with her MES software Qual@xy Suite joined the Club du MES.


GIFAS is a French organization of more than 300 aerospace, defense and spacial companies. The objective of Gifas is to promote the French aerospace industry for example with Trade shows, events.

Aerospace Cluster

Aerospace Cluster Rhône-Alpes & Auvergne brings together aerospace companies, research laboratories and training centers located in the Auvergne Rhône-Alpes region, France. Aerospace Cluster aims to install Auvergne Rhône-Alpes as a recognized region for its ability to develop technological solutions for aeronautics and space.


NAFAN (North American French Aerospace Network) is an informal mutual aid network of French aerospace companies in North America.

BPI France Excellence

The BPI France Excellence network brings together 3,000 innovative and entrepreneurial companies. The network enables the development of the business by putting members in touch with each other.

Campus Fab, a centre of excellence for the industry of tomorrow.

CT INFODREAM, a partner in this fine project, is providing the Qual@xy Suite which will be integrated into the digital system for managing industrial operations.
Included in the execution process, the inspection ranges and traceability monitoring from the Qual@xy Suite will be integrated into each of the clusters :
– additive manufacturing ;
– machining ;
– assembly;
– assembly / disassembly ;
– maintenance and production means.

Forum Excellence & Performance

Organised in collaboration with the SAQ (Swiss Association for Quality), the Excellence and Performance Forum (formerly known as the JRSM) provides an opportunity to discuss various quality-related topics. It is an opportunity for participants to discover new approaches to quality and to learn about upcoming trends.

Our partners

Motion Computing

Motion Computing is an American company specialising in the design and development of innovative technologies in the field of portable PCs. Designed to run under Windows and equipped with powerful performance, F5t industrial tablets can handle virtually any business application, including Infodream software.

A-Phi Solutions

Consultant in production quality management systems and distributor of MES Qual@xy in Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia.


Région Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes

Within the framework of our research, development and innovation projects, we benefit from support from the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Region.

Co-financed by the European Union

European Social Fund (ESF)

The European Social Fund enables some of our employees to follow in-house professional training.

CT INFODREAM is member of the following organisations

Club du MES

Le Club du MES is French association that brings together MES software suppliers. This association aims to promote and develop applications and actions related to MES. Le Club du MES is a patner to MESA International in the United States.

CT INFODREAM, with her MES software Qual@xy Suite joined the Club du MES.


GIFAS is a French organization of more than 300 aerospace, defense and spacial companies. The objective of Gifas is to promote the French aerospace industry for example with Trade shows, events.

Aerospace Cluster

Aerospace Cluster: Aerospace Cluster Rhône-Alpes & Auvergne brings together aerospace companies, research laboratories and training centers located in the Auvergne Rhône-Alpes region, France. Aerospace Cluster aims to install Auvergne Rhône-Alpes as a recognized region for its ability to develop technological solutions for aeronautics and space.


NAFAN (North American French Aerospace Network) is an informal mutual aid network of French aerospace companies in North America.

BPI France Excellence

The BPI France Excellence network brings together 3,000 innovative and entrepreneurial companies. The network enables the development of the business by putting members in touch with each other.

Campus Fab, a centre of excellence for the industry of tomorrow.

CT INFODREAM, a partner in this fine project, is providing the Qual@xy Suite which will be integrated into the digital system for managing industrial operations.
Included in the execution process, the inspection ranges and traceability monitoring from the Qual@xy Suite will be integrated into each of the clusters :
– additive manufacturing ;
– machining ;
– assembly;
– assembly / disassembly ;
– maintenance and production means.

Forum Excellence & Performance

Organised in collaboration with the SAQ (Swiss Association for Quality), the Excellence and Performance Forum (formerly known as the JRSM) provides an opportunity to discuss various quality-related topics. It is an opportunity for participants to discover new approaches to quality and to learn about upcoming trends.

Our partners

Motion Computing

Motion Computing is an American company specialising in the design and development of innovative technologies in the field of portable PCs. Designed to run under Windows and equipped with powerful performance, F5t industrial tablets can handle virtually any business application, including Infodream software.

A-Phi Solutions

Consultant in production quality management systems and distributor of MES Qual@xy in Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia.


Région Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes

Within the framework of our research, development and innovation projects, we benefit from support from the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Region.

Co-financed by the European Union

European Social Fund (ESF)

The European Social Fund enables some of our employees to follow in-house professional training.

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