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Video Expert Opinion About Industriy 4.0

Video Expert opinion about industriy 4.0

This issue of Experts Talk is dedicated to Industry 4.0.

The expert’s insight with Corinne Clesse, CEO and Benoît Redler, Key account manager at INFODREAM. French speaking video.

Read the article on the Tribune website (french)

What is industry 4.0?

This is the era of digitalisation. In fact, it is the continuation of what Industry 3.0 started with automation. It’s about centralising all the production data on the shop floor to a single focal point. And in the end, this allows for continuous process improvement. It is important to understand that Industry 4.0 is not about eliminating people. On the contrary, it is about enhancing human skills, which are the real added value of our companies. This new industry puts people back at the centre of the industrial process.

What are the tools of this industry of the future?

The heart of this industry is the M.E.S (Manufacturing Execution System). It is the missing link between the ERP and the workshop. It will enable a complete digital chain, from the production order to the final product. It is based on workshop execution, which is also what is known as the zero paper or dematerialised data sheet.

Discover the functions of the MES

What is the main benefit of Industry 4.0?

By interconnecting machines, production processes and sites, a global vision of the industrial process and the factory is achieved. This vision integrates all the players. Its main advantage is therefore to give the right information at the right time to all production resources. Whether they are human or machine.

The advantages of the MES by profession


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