Webinar Replay: How to obtain capable processes through SPC?
French speaking.
Target audience: quality, production, control, metrology, management
Our webinar series continues…
In this new episode, we will explain how to achieve capable processes using SPC (Statistical Process Control).
During the last century and mainly after the Second World War, mankind has continuously improved the quality of its production and reduced the quantity of controlled products.
To do this, there are tools that come from statistics and are simple to implement. The SPC is one of them.
In this webinar we will explain what histograms, capability indicators and control charts are.
You will also attend a live demo of the Qualaxy SPC* software.
*Qualaxy SPC is the SPC module of the Qual@xy Suite, the ready-to-use M.E.S for Industry 4.0.

Webinar presented by:
Sylvie Nambotin
Sales Department Leader at Infodream
Rachida Benferhat
Distributor of the MES Qual@xy in Maghreb