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Digitization in manufacturing | Manufacturing Execution System | SPC | Batch control

Change management

A continuous improvement project is a global approach in which all the actors of the company are involved. It requires project management skills.

Often, the management alone takes the decision to « go for it ». However, the success of this new organisation depends on the initiation of all staff to the :

  • Expected objectives
  • Benefits of implementing a measurement management tool
  • Monitoring of results
  • Progress approach

Infodream, expert in project management, is your partner to accompany you throughout the project: definition of the scope, project mode and transition to serial life

Preliminary study

We participate and define with you the scope and objectives of your project.

For this we take into account several factors:

  • production (machines and processes, operating procedures, products and characteristics),
  • human resources (project team, training plan),
  • IT (architecture, interface definition)
  • and finally the quantified objectives (indicators for the project, establishment of initial values, objective values).


Project management

We are not just a player, but a real partner for your project managers.

Indeed, we define with you the action plans, the schedule, the progress reports according to your constraints and obligations, whether they are known at the start of the project or appear afterwards.

The reactivity and adaptability of our teams are maximised to adapt to your production constraints.


Assistance in change management

To ensure the success of your project, we support you from start to finish.

We integrate change management throughout the project, with the specific issues, history and culture of your company.

But we can also assist you during the transition from « project » mode to « serial life » mode, with the aim of perpetuating the quality approach.

It is important to note that we do not subcontract any training, intervention or service. Everything is « made by CT INFODREAM ».


Theoretical and practical training

We define with you the objectives and the training plans: what are the precise messages to be conveyed? To whom? What points need to be clarified or emphasised? Etc.

Prior to any practical training in SPC (Statistical Process Control), we make you aware of the SPC. We explain the basic concepts: What is SPC? What is it for? How and why does it work?

In the same way, we offer you theoretical and practical training on all the functionalities of our Qual@xy Suite MES software.


Establishment of the company’s SPC charter

We define the company’s SPC charter with the departments concerned (Methods, Quality).

In concrete terms, we look together at how to validate a means of measurement (method and minimum values of R&R,…), how to parameterise the monitoring of a given family of characteristics (objective capability, type of SPC card, alarm triggering rules, etc.) according to the maturity of the production (new product, new process, controlled production, etc.).

This SPC charter, in addition to being a guide to the personalised configuration of the Qual@xy SPC software, will serve as a SPC (Statistical Process Control) reference. This will make it easier for you to communicate with your customers or suppliers: « here are the criteria we use, here are the objective values, here are the calculation formulas, etc. »

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