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Digitization in manufacturing | Manufacturing Execution System | SPC | Batch control

Webinar replay: How to choose your industrial performance indicators

French speaking.

You are :

Manager, production manager, project manager.

You wish to :

  • Synthesise your production data and have reliable and readable indicators;
  • Visualise your indicators in a single interface to help you make the right decisions?

Webinar description :

After defining what a key performance indicator (KPI) is, we will see together which are the right indicators to follow in an industrial production context, according to your sector and your business.
How to choose them? How to build them? How to use them?

These are all questions that we will answer during this new CT Infodream webinar.

The presentation will end with a live demo of our Qualaxy Dashboard tool.
In the form of simple and colourful customizable dashboards, this module of the Qual@xy M.E.S. Suite synthesizes production data to help the manager to take the right decisions.

Level : discovery / intermediate
Duration :
45 min

Webinar presented by:

Florian Cassin
Sales Engineer

Rachida Benferhat
CEO A-PHI Solutions,
MES Qual@xy distributor in Maghreb

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